Good Morning!

Ask David ForumCategory: QuestionsGood Morning!
Darren Miller asked 7 years ago

Hey David! A shout out from Cleveland, TN! I read your article that came to my email today about the 7 life-changing lessons and found it to be a good read. I too, am I Deputy Sheriff here in Bradley County, working as a SRO at school until 330, then selling real estate the remainder of the evening into the night on most days. My fiancé and I paid cash for a mobile home that flows around 20% and we are pre approved for the next two deals, just waiting on the right opportunity to arise. The market here is tough, I was ready to offer on a duplex last week at 140k, listed at 150k. On offer day, the price in the MLS was increased to 160k, and again today to 200k!! Finding the right deal is tough, it has to be off market or every investor in town runs the prices up like that. Anyway, I am inspired by your story and success, hopefully one day will be there myself. Have a great day!

David Greene Staff replied 8 years ago

Great to hear that Darren! And nice to meet you.

I have the same problem in my market. I spent a lot of time being frustrated by it, then I just learned to start looking for properties in other markets that made more sense to find something in.

I have a book coming out about this in August. Hopefully it will help your situation!