Biceps to Bank Accounts-Your Financial And Physical Well Being Are More Closely Tied Than...

Crossfit. P90x. Insanity. Body building competitions.  Look anywhere around you and you'll see that pursuing physical excellence is all the rage these days.  From...

OPM-Using Other People’s Money To Build Your Dream Life

When it comes to real estate investing, most people immediately picture late night phone calls regarding overflowing toilets (I don't know what it is...

Discounted Mortgage Notes

  If you're like most people cruising through a real estate investment site, you no doubt saw an article titled "mortgage notes" and wondered what...

Having Your Cake (And Eating it, Too)

Opportunity cost "The loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen."  This, my friends, is the definition of a term in...

Exit Strategies

"The best laid-plans of mice and men often go awry."   -Robert Burns An often quoted maxim usually used to refer to the fact that...

Rules Of Thumb

Congratulations! The fact you're reading this proves you are interested in learning more about investing in real estate. Personally, I think this is a...

Renting vs. Buying-What’s Best For Me?

Ah. The age old question of renting vs buying.  Few things can set off such a spirited debate as much as financial experts tackling...

Property Management-Why You Should Leave It To The Professionals

When it comes to real estate investing, most people immediately picture late night phone calls regarding overflowing toilets (I don't know what it is...

So what’s the big deal?

Want to own a home? Interested in learning about Real Estate? Always wanted to own a rental but weren't sure where to start or...